Releases 1.8

1.8.0 (28/10/2024)

Zooming Camera by Rectangle

The process to zoom a camera by a rectangle.

The zooming starts right after a user specifies an area of zooming with a rectangle, i.e. draws a rectangle. Transition from a "before zoom state" to a final state, when a camera is zoomed, is followed with the animation.

The demo of this feature:

Section Box

The Section Box functionality.

The Section Box serves to cut geometry at the box borders and display a box (in order the user can see section borders).

The box is equipped with the special controller which can apply the following transformations to it:

  • move the box along 3 axes (X, Y, Z) and 3 planes (XY, XZ, YZ);
  • scale the box along 3 axes, i.e. reduce or increase box size;
  • rotate the box along 3 axes.

The demo of this feature:

Measuring Along Axes

The linear dimension provides an opportunity to set an additional text along the axes.

The process to create a normal dimension along an axis.

Rotating in Orbit Around Point

The process to rotate a camera in orbit around some point.

The demo of this feature:

Bounding Box of Selected

The command "GetBoundingBox" returns a bounding box of some geometry by its uuid.

Dimension of Path

The process to measure length of a path by points.

Interactive Editing of Dynamic Section

The controller for the dynamic section plane process.

The controller can apply the following transformations to plane:

  • move the plane only along Z-axis;
  • rotate the plane along 2 axes (X, Y).

The demo of this feature:

First Person Camera Rotation process

The process to rotate a camera around an eye position.

The demo of this feature: