
Below we will consider the selection functionality that allows to highlight and select geometry objects.

Selecting Nodes

Example of command to select nodes with uuids in an array uuids (TypeScript):

    name: "SelectCommand",
    uuids: uuids, // items to select
    clean: true, // unselect previous items
    branch: true // select a whole branch


  • uuid: a list of selected nodes.

  • clean: a flag for cleaning the previous selected elements.

  • branch: a flag for whole branch selection which contains an uuid.

This command doesn’t return anything as a result.

Unselecting Nodes

Example of command to unselect nodes with uuids in an array uuids (TypeScript):


    name: "UnselectCommand",
    uuids : uuids, // items to unselect

There is only one argument. It’s a list of element UUIDs for unselecting.

This command doesn’t return anything as a result.

Getting List of Selected Nodes

Example (TypeScript)

let res = view.runCommand({

A result (res in an example above) has the same type as other GetParameters command results have:

type GetSelectionCommandResult {
    name: api.ResultTypes.Parameters // "Parameters"
    result: Promise<{
        name: GetParametersTypes.SelectionList // "SelectionList"
        uuids: string[]
        models: (string|null)[]